Happy 9 Months sweet Caroline Grace!!! I can't believe you are 3 months away from your 1st birthday! How can that be?!?!?! The summer and this last month have gone by so quickly... please slow down little girl!
Stats... You are 18# 12 oz, 60% for weight, 28 inches, 65% for height and 43 cm, 20% for head!
Sleep... Well we were doing alright... you have been waking up one time in the middle of the night... usually round 3ish and have a bottle, off and on the last week.... Not sure if you are teething or this is just a little bump in the sleep journey, but I look forward to you going back to your normal 12 hour nightly sleeps ASAP! As for naps... you are not the best napper... but an excellent power napper! But with school starting next week my hope is to get back on a more "normal" routine and nap time will hopefully improve!
Food... Still mostly momma's milk with a few formula bottles mixed in along with your baby food and lots of yummy table food! You love to "do it yourself" and it is fun to watch you develop your pincher skills and feed yourself. The last week or so we introduced chicken and shredded beef and you were a huge fan! You take 4 bottles, 6 oz each, (5 if you wake in the middle of the night) a day along with breafast, lunch and dinner.

Play... You absolutely LOVE to play and your favorite thing is to play with your brother! You adore him and light up like the sun every time you play together. I think your favorite thing to play with your brother is tug a war with your blanket! You just giggle and laugh and it is pure joy for me to watch! Another new happening this month is you are now crawling! You are on the move in your super cute army crawl way. You are getting faster and faster each day. You are still working on pushing up to the sitting position, but closer and closer each day. You love to talk and say "dada dada" all the time! No moma yet but we are working on it!
Caroline you are our sweet baby girl and we Thank God everyday for the gift you are!