Party of 4!

Party of 4!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Happy 1 Month Benjamin!

 Sweet Benjamin,
Today you are one month old!  Where has the time gone?  It feels like yesterday we were driving home from the hospital with you... then it also feels like I have know you forever.  We love you so much and can't imagin, or remember, life without you.

A little about you:
Today we had your 1 month well baby doctor visit and you weighed it at 8 pounds 11 oz. or 25% and 22.5 inches long or 80%.   Which means you have gained 1 pound 14 ounces since we brought you home from the hospital.  You have officially outgrown your newborn clothes and are in 0-3 months... some fit perfect and some are still a little big, but momma is excited you have all new clothes to wear in the coming weeks/months!
As for your health, you are a strong, healthy, sweet baby boy!  Your umbilical cord feel off at about a week old and you have loved bath time ever since!  You have a little baby acne but it is getting better each day.   You have also found your voice and lungs and don't hesitate to use them to tell momma and daddy exactly what you need and want.  You typically don't cry unless you are hungry or tired.  And we are getting better at picking up on our "warning" cues to be more proactive in those times.
Speaking of sleep... you are a decent sleeper, and we hope that continues and you become more like your momma... who loves to sleep!  Your typical schedule is eat, mommas milk, play a little bit, then go down for an hour or two nap... then it is up again to eat, play and then sleep... you have put yourself on this schedule and we are enjoying it!  At night you have been going 3.5-4.5 hours in-between feedings (start to start), but last night you went almost 5.5 hours!  It was wonderful to get 4 hours of straight sleep!  Keep it up baby boy!
When it comes to play time you are one little alert boy!  You love to look around and love looking at fans, lights and the TV.  You have taken well to tummy time and are one strong boy!  You like to keep you head up and stretch out your legs... and have even rolled over a few times from tummy to back.  You love looking at your little moose and other toys on your activity mat and have enjoyed your afternoon naps and down time in your momaroo!  We love the little expressions you give us... you are quite expressive!  You sometimes look very serious or in deep thought... especially when your little forehead wrinkles!  But the best are the little smiles and coos you give... and when your sweet little dimple come out!
Benjamin, this month has been priceless... we love you  more than we could have ever expected!  You have brought so much joy and laughter to our lives that make the sleepless nights and long days much sweeter than we could have ever imagined.

Your first month has been filled with many firsts and lot of LOVE!  We have been incredibly blessed by our friends and family who have come to meet you, bring food, visit and spend time with us, and most importantly love and pray on our new family of 3!!!  We cannot thank them enough and look forward to another month of firsts and more love and laughter!
Happy One Month Birthday Benjamin!!

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