Party of 4!

Party of 4!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Happy 4 Months Benjamin!

You are four months old today!  I'm not sure where the time has gone this last month, but I do know it has gone by way too quickly!  You are the sweetest most precious baby boy with the biggest personality for a four month old!  You smile, giggle, coo, babble and give big belly laughs very generously and love to sing along with your music.  You have the happiest little personality and we love you so much!
A little about you:
We won't know your exact stats till Monday, at your four month check up, but we think you are around 16 pounds and probably 26 inches.  You still take 6 bottles a day... two - 7 oz. bottles, three - 6 oz. bottles and a 2.5 oz. bottle for your dream feed.  You are still in 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers, but will be moving up to size 3 nighttime diapers very soon!
As for your health, you are continuing to growing big and strong!  You love to stand up and have started marching in place... it is the cutest thing ever!!!   We often talk about what sports or activities you will be interested in and we think that with your fancy footwork you might just want to follow in your daddy's footsteps and be a soccer star!!  We will support you whatever you choose and wherever your interest take you!
When it comes to sleep you are still doing well!  Since momma has gone back to work you have made the transition very well and settled into a new routine.  Our typical day goes a little like this... Wake up around 7:30/8ish, bottle, change and out the door to Aunt Frannies, then momma goes to work.  You then play and then take a nap around 9:45, then bottle at 11, then playtime, then another nap at 1, and another bottle 2, then I come and pick up you and we go home and play then you take another nap from 3-5 then have another bottle, play, take a short nap ~7ish then bath, books, bottle and in bed by 8:30-8:45.  Then daddy give you a 2.5 oz. bottle for your "dream feed' at 10:30... and then we wake up the next day and do it all again!  The last few mornings you have woken up around 7 and just talk away... then fall back asleep till 7:45-8ish!  We love to watch you on the monitor just cooing away... the sweetest sound in the morning!   Here is one video from a few days ago!
As for your play time you love your Baby Einstein Activity Center/exersaucer!  You love to push the buttons to make the music play and explore all the other toys too!  You also love sitting up with the support of a pillow at your activity mat.  You love to grab the toys and put them in your mouth!  Since you found your feet last month you have also started making diaper changes a bit more challenging... but that is ok!  We know you love your feet and love to pull them up to your face!  We also think you are super close to rolling over from your back to your tummy... you have only done it on your own once or twice, but you have started rocking and really arching your back so we think you will master this trick in the next few weeks!
Other milestones and firsts this month included a day with nana and pop pop while momma and daddy enjoyed a date day!  You had a little tummy ache that day, but for the most part had a good day.  Also, this month I think we have finally settled into a new routine with momma back to work and you going to Aunt Frannie's during the day.  You love playing with her and Jack and we are very blessed to have them taking care of you.
Benjamin, you are the sweetest most affectionate baby boy and this last month has just been amazing.  Seeing you grow, learn new things and hearing you make new sounds is the best thing in the world!  You have blessed our lives so much more than words can describe!  The joy you bring to this world is unmeasurable and we just love you with everything we are!

Happy 4 Months baby boy!!  We love you to the moon and back, Momma and Daddy!

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