Party of 4!

Party of 4!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Happy 5 Months Caroline Grace!

Happy 5 Months baby girl!
I can't believe you are almost a half year old!  Where has the time gone!  As for your happenings this last months... here we go!!!!
Sleep... Well we were doing great... then the 4 month sleep regression hit!  You started waking up once sometimes twice in the middle of the night to eat... you would go right back to sleep no problem in 10 minute or less, but it was hard on momma!  But right when you turned 5 months something changed and you are now back to sleeping all night!  Down for bed around 8pm and a dream-feed at 10:30pm and sleep till 6:30-7ish and nurse for 10 minutes then back to sleep till 8-8:30am.  Momma is thankful the sleep regression is over (for now of course)!  As for naps... you were napping like a champ but this last month you have become quite the little power napper... probably due to the time we are in the car taking brother to and from school and to his other activities... ummm second child problems I guess.  But you are still sleeping a totally of 15.5 hours a day which is right where you need to be.
Food... 100% mommas milk.  I tried to give you formula this last month but you wanted NOTHING to do with it!  Even turned your nose up at me and looked at me like was from Mars!  Will keep trying but no go on the formula right now.  We did start you on rice cereal and you have really liked it.  You have it for lunch and dinner and have begun to really get hungry for it!  Can't wait to start veggies and fruits next month!  I know you will love them and eat them right up!

Play... You LOVE to play... you have really begun to pull on thing and grab them and bring them to your mouth.  Not sure if that means you are teething because I don't see anything, but you love to put your toys in your mouth and suck on them.  You are working on sitting up little bits at a time, but we still have a lot of work to go.  You still love your activity  mat and momma roo.  Your new toy this month has been the exo-sauser... You have really enjoyed standing up in it and playing with all the different toys and exploring your new surroundings!
Caroline, you are the sweetest most laid back baby I have ever know.  You love your big brother and momma like crazy and we love you right back!  Your sweet smile and beautiful eyes light up a room like I've never seen.  Everyone always comments on how pretty and beautiful you are... and we agree whole heartily.  Your sweet giggles bring so much joy to our house and complete our family!  We love yo so much and are so proud of you!  XOXOXO Momma and Daddy.

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