Party of 4!

Party of 4!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy 10 Months Benjamin!

Happy 10 Months sweet baby boy!  I can't believe we are just 2 short months away from your 1st birthday!  We will savor every second and enjoy every moment before that big milestone!  We have found our little routine in our crazy world this second month with me staying home.  I love our special morning time together cuddling in bed watching morning TV... and I think it you enjoy it too!
A little about you:
We don't know your official weight, but daddy weighed you after bath last week and the scale said 24.5 pounds... and I don't doubt it!  You have had quite the appetite of late, beside last week when you had a little stomach bug, and eat everything in sight!  Speaking on food, we have transitioned you to more table food and you are doing really well.  Everyday we make more progress at getting more food in your tummy than on the floor!  Yes, that is right... you make a HUGE mess, but that's ok!!  You still love your Earth's Best pureed baby food and have a jar of veggies with each meal.  You are down to 3 bottles a day taking about 20 oz of mommas milk.  You are filling in your size 12-18 month clothes perfectly and I love dressing you in your cute little clothes!
As for sleeping... I hate to say, in fear I will jinx myself, but you are a fantastic sleeper!  You still take 2 naps a day and sleep 11 1/2 to 12 hours each night.  I will say that you did not sleep well the first night we traveled to see Grandma and Grandpa Ingram in Dallas this last weekend, but other than that you are a good little sleeper and for that we are extremely thankful!  Momma and Daddy love to sleep too!  As for schedule we are still on the same schedule as last month.

As for playtime you are learning and exploring new toys and things everyday!  You really have discovered your books this last month and love to turn the pages and read them on the floor.  You also really enjoy pushing your walkers and tractor around everywhere... well anything that moves for that mater!  Stools, your highchair, the trash can... you get the point!  You also love love love when daddy comes home... you often go and sit at the garage door and wait for his arrival!  You light up when he walks through the door and it brings such joy to my heart to see you to playing together.  
When it comes to milestones this last month we have reached a few... you have discovered every cabenit in the house and love to open them... daddy is putting the childproof locks on the doors this week so I apologize now that we are ruining your fun... but it has to be done!  You love to wave and say "baaaa byyyyeee" when it is time to go!  When we say "Soooo Biggg" you raise your arms up high!  One of the funnest things you do is when you hear clapping or someone say "good job" or "yeah" you clap!!!  It is the sweetest thing!  And last but certinly not least you are standing on your own and have taken a step or two on your own.  We think you just need a little more confidence before you take off on your own!  Maybe just a few more weeks.
You are the joy of our lives and we love you so much!!  Happy 10 Months baby boy!!  We love you so much, Momma and Daddy!

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