Party of 4!

Party of 4!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Happy 15 Months Benjamin!!!

Happy 15 Months sweet boy!  Time is just going by and you are growing up!!!  You are not our baby anymore... you are an exploring, adventuresome, dare devil (at times), sweet, silly, dancing, smart, happy toddler boy!!!

It has been a while since I last posted about your happenings so let's get to it!

Your stats... You are 33.25 inches tall and weigh 24 pounds 14oz.  Which is 95% for height and 55% for weight.  You are one tall and solid boy!!

You eat... almost everything and will try anything!  The last 3 months you have tried a lot of new things... some include crabs, shrimp, green olives, corn dogs, hot dogs, yogurt covered pretzels and popsicles!!!  You also love limes and lemons... We know they are not good for your teeth so we try not to give them to you too often... but when you do have them your facial expressions are priceless!

You love to... play with your toys, read books, dance, swim, play at the splash pad, go to the zoo, make animal noises, listen to music, hammer on your tool box, play outside, go for walks and many many more things!  Your favorite song right now is Coldplay, A Sky Full of Stars.  It is so fun to watch you dance to that song!!!  It is like you and Chris Martin are in your own world!!!  Your favorite book right now is Giraffes Can't Dance.  You love to point out the turtles, lions, monkeys and other animals.  Your favorite summertime activity this far is anything to do with water!  You love your puddle jumper swim vest and enjoy jumping in to the pool... even when we aren't ready... I did mention you are a bit of a dare devil right!

Your sleep schedule... has been better, but since we have been back from our trip to San Francisco you have been waking up a bit on the early side!  You have been waking up around 6-7am then come snuggle with me and fall back asleep till 8-9am.  And typical nap from 2-3:30pm and go to bed between 8-9pm... lately it is closer to 8... which might be why you are getting up earlier.  I know with consistency we will get you back on track... because this momma loves her sleep just like you do sweet boy!!

You are running all over the place!!!  You have jumped a few times, and it is incredibly fun to watch!  Your energy and curiosity are contagious.  I love our dance parties, playing chase, playing catch and kicking the soccer ball with you and am so blessed to share life with you each and everyday!  Watching you and daddy play bring joy to my heart and a smile to my face!  Your bond and love for each other is precious.  You are still a momma boy at heart but love your daddy and look forward to him coming home everyday!  Your 30+ word vocabulary is expanding so fast; you are like a sponge and you pick up new words everyday!  I am soooo incredibly proud to be your momma and love teaching you new things.

Big happenings the last 3 months include... weaning off the bottle and breast milk to sippy cups and whole milk, week long trip to San Francisco that included a 4+hour flight that you did AMAZING on by the way, enjoyed your first golf outing with daddy and loved riding on the golf cart, watched fireworks for the first time (not so into them the first time, but liked them the second... but then hated them on the 4th of July... we were really close to them and I think they were way too loud for you), had your first BIG fall and boo boo... you fell off a step at the splash pad and scratched your face up really bad :(, first haircut, first trip to the Children's Museum, first trip to Moody Gardens and now have a total of 8 teeth!  Unfortunately you are the slowest teether ever... :/

Benjamin, you are one amazing, joyful, and perfect boy and we are incredibly blessed to call your ours!  Happy 15 Months!

And here is a photo recap from the last 3 months.  (Will do a separate post of our San Fran trip)

Last bottle!

Thank you for making me your momma!

Styling dude!

Trying on hats!

Great Grandma Geeg!

Family weekend in Dallas with the Ingrams

Golfing with daddy!

Celebrating our favorite daddy on Father's Day!

Love him!

Love my family of 3!

One of many family pool days!

First haircut!

Celebrating Baby Oliver Sage!  Can't wait to meet this sweet boy in a few short weeks!

Yummy afternoon snack with my favorite little people!

Playing at the Children's Museum!

Another day another splash pad!

Fun at the zoo!


Afternoon bubbles!

One of our favorite lunch dates!!

Lots of time spent in the pool this summer!

First trip to Moody Gardens!

Our little fishy!

This kid has no fear sometimes!

Love our sweet friends!

Celebrating our wonderful nation on his birthday!!  Happy 4th!

Sleepy boy!

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